Successful partnership

Samantha Drew

81, North 54 Street,

Clewiston, Florida, 03247,

Cell:-(328)-421 0569.


[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear Samantha drew,

As you have asked my opinion about the taking on of a business partner I thought it only right to take my time about the response. My own personal experience has been a good one although it does take some work and care to make a partnership work.

With your firm I have always found Clive to be a conscientious and a hard worker and so I don’t think you would have too many issues in giving him full partnership. You will though need to make specific reference to the terms of the partnership, and this should be discussed with Clive. Going forward you will also have to include him in all decisions, even if they are relatively minor ones, otherwise you will undermine his role and the partnership may fail.

Take care and give decisions a lot of thought, this will ensure you will have a successful partnership with Clive.

Henry fayol

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