Best part of my life

It was a beautiful sunny day as Sarah pulled her car up to the gas station for refueling. She says she had the overwhelming feeling that something great was going to happen that day. As she popped the gas cap on her car, it flipped off and began to roll across the parking lot. As … Read more

Meet the love of my life

It was 6:00 am and her telephone was ringing, ringing, ringing. Denise rolled over to see who could be calling her at this ungodly hour. It was her agent. Now, every actor knows that agents dont call you at 6:00 am unless its urgent, so she answered. Denise, how fast can you get to Oxford … Read more

Invite you to share in the joy

Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald and Drs. Jeff and Diane Tredwell invite you to share in the joy of the marriage uniting their children Brooke Leigh and Matthew Wade Saturday, the first of July two thousand eleven half past five in the evening Rose Well House Bloomington, Indiana Reception immediately following ceremony Indiana University Auditorium … Read more

Invite you to share in the joy

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pospisil invite you to share in the joy of the marriage uniting their daughter Amie Jo to Mr. Ryan Joseph Keenan Saturday, the seventh of July Two thousand and eight at three o’clock in the afternoon United Methodist Church Graham, Washington   Download invite you to share in the joy In … Read more

The honour of your presence

Together with their parents Tracy Marie Smith and Nathaniel James Hofeldt request the honour of your presence at their marriage Saturday, the twentieth of June at six o’clock in the evening Terril United Methodist Church 2954 Hector Avenue Terril, Virginia   Download the honour of your presence In Word Format    

Pleasure of your company

Mr. and Mrs. David George Richardson request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Jane Louise to Mr. Andrew Richard Randolph son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randolph on Saturday, the nineteenth of June at half past seven o’clock Westlake Country Club Miami, Florida   Download pleasure of your company In … Read more

Marriage of their daughter

Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Andrea Morris and Mr. Robert Allen request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Shannon Leigh to Arron Neville Wilkins son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Valerie McDaniel and Mr. James Wilkins Saturday, the sixteenth of August at four o’clock Lakeside Christian Church Redding, California … Read more

Celebration of life

Kerry Jacoby & Gordon Roger Scott request the pleasure of your company at our wedding in celebration of life and our commitment Saturday, the ninth of August at seven o’clock in the evening Seattle Asian Art Museum Seattle, Washington dinner reception to follow Download Celebration of life In Word Format

Friendship and Love

Because you have shared in our lives with your Friendship and Love, We Heather Elizabeth Kennedy and Alvaro Garcia Maritato ask you to join us for an intimate ceremony to celebrate our Love on Sunday, the nineteenth of March two thousand and eight at five in the afternoon Miami Beach Botanical Garden 2000 Convention Center … Read more

The honor of your presence

Mr. & Mrs. Florentino Tanedo request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Perla Chavez Tanedo to Jeffrey Michael Andrews son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrews Saturday, the nineteenth of July two thousand eleven at eleven o’clock in the morning St. Judes Redmond, Washington Download the honor of your presence … Read more