I need your guidance once more

Andrew Hall 456, X Street, Y Avenue, Philadelphia, PA-19103 (123) 456-7890 [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Andrew Hall, I need your guidance once more. You have always steered me correctly before, and I need your advice as to whether I should enter into bankruptcy. I would like to meet … Read more

I find myself in a difficult position

Alyssa Bethenny Lachey 56 Thomas Apartments, Happy Street, New York, 52364 Cell:-649-458-7799   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Alyssa Bethenny Lachey, Sarah, I find myself in a difficult position and need your guidance. It should be good news, as I have just been given a pay rise at work, … Read more

I would love to hear your opinion

Jack Martinez 456, X Street, Y Avenue, Fillmore, UT-84631 (123) 456-7890 [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Jack Martinez, I know that you dislike offering people advice, but I find myself in a position where I could really benefit from the wisdom of your experience. I have just been offered … Read more

I wish you all the success.

JUSTIN HOLLOWAY XYZ Company. 1234 Archer Road Gainesville, Fl 32607   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear ustin holloway, I greatly appreciate you coming to me for advice on whether or not it would be a good idea for you to start your own business. This is actually something that … Read more

My opinion regarding your idea on profit sharing

Worthington Area School District ATT: James Drury, Superintendent 14 Atherton Street Manhattan, NY-10009 (123) 456-7890   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- DearJames Drury , You asked for my opinion regarding your idea on profit sharing for your business. Based on experience, there are a couple of things that you need … Read more

I’ll be more than happy to answer them for you

Arnold Den 64, East 6 Street, Lewistown, Montana, 03278, Cell:-(194)-465 0217   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear   Arnold Den, It’s definitely endearing that you approached me to ask for legal advice. After working for your family for several years, it feels good to know that even the younger members … Read more

He shares most of your visions

Mary Johnson Gray 27 Happy colony, Dallas, Texas 75326 Tel. No: 123-649-88877   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear  Mary Johnson Gray, I know that making the decision to begin a partnership with someone is a big one to make. It will mark definite changes in the way you run … Read more

I feel extremely honored

Jack Morris 25th Lane Avenue, Old Road, Georgina   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Jack Morris, I feel extremely honored that you thought of me when seeking guidance about college possibilities. I can offer you my opinion on York University having attended for my own studies. It was some … Read more

Good luck in whatever you decide upon

Mary Smith 69 N. Grant Street, Mid Lake City, California 84301 Cell 🙁 988) 598-1331   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Mary Smith, I have given our recent conversation a lot of thought over the past couple of days. I know that you are faced with a bid decision … Read more