I will be leaving next Tuesday for California

Jack Morris 25th Lane Avenue, Old Road, Georgina Home: 00658-21589-98754 Cell: 00125-4587-9685 [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Jack Morris, I will be leaving next Tuesday for California. Our family reunion will run through the weekend. Can you please preside over the sales meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday? I … Read more

I will be at Munich between

Mary Smith 69 N. Grant Street, Mid Lake City, California 84301 Cell 🙁 988) 598-1331   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Mary Smith, I will be at Munich between April 25 to May 2. As such, I need you to take over a few of my assignments while I … Read more

We have decided to give you the job title

Andrew Hall 456, X Street, Y Avenue, Philadelphia, PA-19103 (123) 456-7890   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Andrew Hall,   We have decided to give you the job title “Circulation Manager” after an in-depth consultation with Mr. James. It is but proper to give you this title since you … Read more

Now that our domestic company is doing well

Alyssa Bethenny Lachey 56 Thomas Apartments, Happy Street, New York, 52364 649-458-7799 [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Alyssa Bethenny Lachey, Now that our domestic company is doing well, we need someone to manage our international sales. We decided to choose you for this assignment because you have excellent skills … Read more

We are planning to increase your typesetting

John Harrison 1234 Main Court Santa Cruz CA, 95060 Cell: 257-777-8989   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear John Harrison,   I appreciate the input you gave during our unit meeting last Thursday. We have noticed that the heavy workload stated in your job description caused you to have increased … Read more

As you are no doubt aware the Winston Attorney’s

Jack Martinez 456, X Street, Y Avenue, Fillmore, UT-84631 (123) 456-7890   [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Jack Martinez,   As you are no doubt aware the Winston Attorney’s Association is hosting a sub-committee from the office of the Commissioner for Crime next month. I will require your assistance … Read more

I recognize that this is quite a complex project

  JUSTIN HOLLOWAY XYZ Company. 1234 Archer Road Gainesville, Fl 32607 [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear JUSTIN HOLLOWAY,   At Ms. Smith’s request I am assigning you the task of forming a committee to assess the viability of opening a store in Leesville. I am authorizing you to devote … Read more

we have a different theme so you may need

  Arnold Den 64, East 6 Street, Lewistown, Montana, 03278, (194)-465 0217 [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear Arnold Den,   I am assigning you a special task for which I believe you are not only qualified for but will also enjoy. Would you please organize this year’s Halloween Gala? … Read more