I Can’t See It

Dear Victor,

I feel as though our relationship cannot survive another break up. It seems that we constantly go back and forth and so many suggestions and promises stay lingering over our heads.

You’ve got your life all sorted out, except for this relationship. And by the sounds of it – you’re miserable. Why are you here – why do you insist on keeping in my life if you’re not happy?
I told you once upon a time that I was on the backburner in your life and here we are months later and I’m still there. Perhaps it’s the difference in age? You said last night it was. We want different things – we’re at different stages.
It’s not even the marriage issue any longer. I suppressed that subject in my mind and in my heart a while back. This time I’m looking into the future and I can’t picture a happy us. I cannot see where you would place me as a priority in your life. I don’t see marriage – I don’t see kids – I don’t see your interest in being my partner for life. I don’t see your drive.
Will you give this relationship the attention it so desperately deserves?
I’m not sure I can go on anymore the way things have been; I will let you go if I have to and move on.



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