Healthcare Hardship Letter

Charles Lewis,

569, Albertson,

New York-11701

June 10, 2011

Dr. John Johnson,

Johnson Healthcare Center,

New York-11701

Dear Mr. John,

I have been getting treated in your healthcare center for last three months. During these three months I paid all your bills on time. As you know due to health problem I had to leave my job since I came under grip this ailment. I know you understand my compulsion.
So I would like to urge you to extend the time for the payment of bills of your hospital. I have been searching job and I have also made medical insurance claim. I hope that I would be able to arrange funds by the end of this month. I request you to allow me to clear your bills by the end of this month.
I hope that you will understand my problems and will give me extension of time for clearing your bills. I know you usually do not provide such extension to your clients. But I hope you will understand such exceptional case.

Thanking You,

Yours Truly,
Charles Lewis


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