Extreme Hardship Letter

Ms. Gayatri Chande

Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore – 560 076

March 20, 2011

Mr. Layak Chandar

Chandar Lending Company

Vikram Sarabhai Road, Ambawadi

Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad – 380006

Dear Mr. Chandar,

Your company has notified me about my unpaid dues for two months now.  I am writing to you now to apologize for the delay in my payments and explain the reason for this delay.  It is unfortunate that my husband died due to kidney failure last month.  He was hospitalized for a month before he finally expired because of his poor health.  Since he fell ill, I have not been able to work and I was fired from my job.  Our hospital bills were tremendous and I have also racked up additional debt because of our financial problems.  I have no means to support me and my family.  We have lost our home and we are temporarily staying with relatives while I try to find another job.  I hope with all my heart that your company will understand my condition and extend my dues as I try to find a means to pay.


Ms. Gayatri Chande


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