Loan Hardship Letter

Ms. Gaurika Gupte

C.G.Road, Ellisbridge


March 1, 2011

Mr. Lavitra Chandan

Chandan Loans Group

Viman Nagar, Pune-411014

Dear Mr. Chandan,

This is to inform you that I will not be able to pay the rest of my loan this month as set in my loan payment schedule.  Unfortunately, I fell ill early this month and had to be confined at the hospital for at least two weeks.  I had to pay a considerable amount for hospital bills.  Aside from this, I was not able to open my store and I was not able to earn enough to come up with the needed amount to repay my loan.
I hope that your company will understand the hardship that I am experiencing at the moment and give me consideration for my loan payment.  I will be paying half of the amount and will ensure that I will be able to pay my loan fully next month.

Thank you and I hope for your favorable response.


Ms. Gaurika Gupte


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