Immigration Hardship Letter

Thomas Taylor,

563, Benson,


June 09, 2011

Federal Government,

Immigration Department,


Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub- Application for the settlement in California

Ref- Application No.15263/ Dated 05/25/2011

Due to sudden demise of my father I have to join mother who lives in Apple Valley, California. I have been living in Benson for last five years I did not know that I would have to suddenly shift to California. I am applying for immigration hardship excludability under the provision of State Law.
I hope that you will give consideration to my application and will allow me to do. I have been citizen of this country for last 20 years and I hope that the government will understand my helplessness and will grant me immigration excludability permission to live with my mother in Benson. I have also attached two reference copies of known people of this country.

I would like to have earlier positive response from your side.

Thanking You,

Yours Truly,
Thomas Taylor


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