General Letter Template


Recipient’s name:

Recipient’s address:


Dear (name),

I hope you are doing well. How are (add names)? It’s been so long since you came to (name city) and I was thinking if we could make some plans for the next holidays.
My husband has to attend a workshop in (name place) on (name date) and I will also accompany him. So I thought of taking out some time to meet you and your family, if that is alright with you. Do let me know if you will be in town during those days so that we can meet up.And how is life going? I get bored here sometimes since I left my job at (name company). But I get some free time for myself now. That’s why I am really looking forward to see you soon so that we can catch up on old times. Convey my regards to your parents.

Yours lovingly,



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