General Letter of Reprimand



From:  _____ (Office)

Subject:  Letter of Reprimand

It has come to my attention that you have _____ (describe the offense) on ______ (date).
As you know it is a crime in the Army to behave like this.  We want our members to be sincere and responsible.  I had considered you as a promising young soldier, but this misconduct has taken away my faith in you.
It will be beneficial to you if you work diligently in restoring our faith.  Otherwise you will have to face the consequences, which may include court-martial under Article _____.
We do give you an opportunity to voluntarily submit comments or documents for a fair consideration within three days.
You will have to acknowledge receipt of this letter in the space below.

Supervisor’s name, Rank


Name of the person

TO:  _____ (Office)

Received memo at _____ hours on _____ date.  I have read and understood the case against me and decide (not to)/(to) submit a reply statement.


Name of person, Rank


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