I Can’t Believe What We Had Been Missing

Dear Scott,

I am so amazed at our relationship. It had been my only dream to be with you again. I am so glad that we have come together to share what we had both been missing for way too long. You make me feel as if I am most important person on earth. It is the most wonderful feeling in the world to feel the love that we cherish. I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you, and I am excited to be sharing my life with you again. My love for you is beyond any love I have ever seen or ever known. You are my passion for life. Our life is everlasting. It is rare that two lovers so in love reunite after going through so much. I am thankful for your forgiveness and am enjoying every waking breath with you. You mean the world to me; you are my everything. I love you and am so grateful to share what we had both been missing.

With all of my love for eternity,


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