Complaint Letter to Bank


Emily Swan

345, Main Street

New Jersey


Thomas Martin


Money Bank Ltd.

High Street

New Jersey

24th July, 2007.

Ref: Account Number 12345678

Dear Mr. Martin,

This is with reference to my Account Number 12345678, which has been unduly debited with $ 49 as processing fee, for an overseas transaction.

I was not informed of such a clause before I made the transaction.  In fact, I had specifically checked with your Customer Services Manager before I made the said transaction.

My association with your Bank goes back a long way and I regret to inform you that this is the first time I am encountering such a problem.

I request you to kindly look into the matter and remit the said amount into my account within the next two days.  I am enclosing a copy of the latest Account Statement for your action.

Thanking You,


Emily Swan


Downloand Complaint Letter to Bank In Word Format

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