Formal Complaint Letter


Tanya Brown

Project Manager

Alpha Projects Limited

New Jersey


Mr. Ronald Olsen

General Manager-Claims

Good Insurance Company

New Jersey

10th March, 2009.

Ref: Formal Complaint Letter

Dear Mr. Olsen,

Please treat this letter as a formal complaint against your Department, for not settling my Car Insurance Claim, bearing reference number 2345 ABC.

I met with Mr. Wolfe who is handling my case several times and submitted all the necessary papers.  Though I get assurances that everything is in order and I should be getting my cheque soon, nothing has materialized for the past one month.

I regret to inform you that I have never had to face such problems in all my previous dealings with you.

I request you to kindly look into the matter and settle my claim at the earliest.  I am enclosing a copy of all the documents I had submitted earlier for your perusal.

Thanking You,


Tanya Brown


Downloand Formal Complaint Letter In Word Format

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