dear shane
If only you knew how constant you are in my thoughts. If you only knew how much i crave for us to be back to what we where. But having you as a friend is better than not having you in my life at all. Im glad i met you and Im glad your in my life.
You made such a big impact on my life and on me.You make me laugh you give me food for thought and you opened my eyes.
You said not have any insecure thoughts about myself that it was you and your baggage YOUR SO RIGHT.
Deep down i know we did the right thing breaking up at this stage of time. You did the right thing too telling me how you still felt about her. It was also the right thing to tell me the way you still about her and because of this you can only love me but cant fall in love with me. It was one of the most painful things i have had to hear.
Maybe one day you will accept your past is your past and you have to move on and you deserve to be happy. Maybe you will come to see that she doesnt need or want you in her life. I just hope you will turm around and you will see me there for you. The lighthouse you need.
Until then I just have to bide my time and cry when alone.
Some people think you dont deserve me but i beg to differ. I know what a great man you are and really i know i would be kidding myself if i was with another man
Glad your in my life
Love you
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