I’ll Be Waiting……

Dear Sunny,
The moment I saw you, my eyes laid on you. I looked at every step you took, every time you blinked, and every time you looked at me. When I saw you for the first time, my heart beat. This beating told me that I was in love.

When we talked, it was neither long, nor short conversations. As days and weeks pass by, our conversations grew shorter. It seamed like we were becoming strangers. After a matter of weeks, there were no conversations between us on msn, just when we meet.
You won’t know how much you hurt my soul. Instead, I let you hurt my soul. I won’t give up on you – never. Your going to be the person I will love, I will love you even if you find another person who can give you happiness. I will love you even if you find your true love. I will love you, even if you reject my confession. I will love you for eternity.

I thought of it, if you have found your true love, I will still love you. Instead of breaking you apart, I will wish love and happiness for eternity between both you. I don’t care how long I wait. As long as I get to see you, with a smile on your face, and happiness, I will be happy for every. When you’re happy, I’m happy.

Love eternity,


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