Goodbye Love Letter

My dear Sweet heart Tracy,

You live in my heart, your memories wanders in my mind so bidding good bye is hardest thing to do. My heart still beats for you and you are the reason for my survival.
We have seen good times and bad times together but our love had conquered all, however some times every thing must be left to God to take care.
My heart aches for you and now its pain is unbearable to me. I am writing you for the last time that I truly love you but this is not the last time my heart is crying for you. I am not able to personally come and say good bye to you so consider this as my last message to you.
I remember the time when I used to go away from you, life’s only charm was to return back to you as soon as possible. This time I am going but, I don’t know when I will be back however you will always be with me forever.

Good bye my love,

Take care


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