Dear Gian Carlo,
This is not a sudden urge that has prompted me to write you. When I first met you I was struck by your simplicity and by your sweetness of speech and manner that it became difficult for me to shut you out of my mind. Your bewitching smile captivated my heart, and the more I tried to forget you the more I began to think of you, until it dawned upon me that I have fallen in love with you. Though you have seen me so many times and I’ve a gotten the chance to know you in our swimming class, I could say that you’ve captured my heart. I know that this is not right for me to tell you all these things, but I can’t stop it.
After we parted company last night, I had wonderful memories, which enraptured my heart as I walked along the lonely path that led to my home. Thanks for filling the emptiness in my heart. You’re an angel in disguise that came down from the heavens to save me from feeling blue.
Now that I’ve found you, I’ll promise to take good care of you. And even though I don’t know what your true feelings for me are, I’ll still love you the best way I can. Thank you for those things that you’ve done to me. And if the time comes that you find someone better than me, just let me know – even though it hurts, I’ll set you free, Gian Carlo.
Love always,
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