I love you

I’m sorry. God, I feel so stupid right now. I know why I did that and now I just feel stupid. This note probably sounds dumb too but I don’t know what to say to you. I bet you even hate me right now. If you hate methough, don’t read anymore. You can just rip up this note andthrow it away and we’ll just continue our lives like nothing ever haappened between us. Look, i still love you. And, now faceing the facts, I’ll always will. No matter how many fights we get into, I’ll get mad with you and then love you even more. I love you so much now. I don’t know if there was ever a boy I loved as much as I love you right now. I would do anything you say. But theres a problem with us going out. I’ll get to that later.

I still love you …… and always will!

Your sweetheart


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