Responding to Complaint Letter


Sam Brown


Customer Care Department

Beta Products Limited

New Jersey


Ms. Alice Potter

345 B, Pleasant Villas

High Street

New Jersey

9th July, 2007.

Ref: Beta Product

Dear Ms. Potter,

At the outset, please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you because of the malfunctioning Beta Product.

As our regular customer, I am sure you understand that this has been a onetime mistake.   Our company is sending a replacement, which I am sure you will find to your satisfaction.

As a way of expressing our gratitude for your valuable feedback, I am enclosing a 20% Discount Coupon which you can utilize while buying any of our products in the future.

Looking forward to your continued feedback and support,

Thanking You,


Sam Brown

Encl: Discount Coupon


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