Complaint Letters

Complaint letters are an effective way of expressing the customer’s/consumer’s dissatisfaction with a product or service.  They are better than a verbal complaint as the written word always yields more power than a verbal one.  Here are a few tips to help you write an effective Complaint letter:

One of the most important things while writing a complaint letter is that it should reach the right department and the right person.  Generally such information is available either on the product itself or the receipt of purchase.

Keep the letters short and simple while stating all the facts clearly.  Include the name of the product, the receipt number, the date and place of purchase.  It is also important to clearly state why you are not happy with that particular product/service.  Be specific while stating the problem and avoid sweeping statements or ambiguity.

The tone of the letter should be polite but firm.  It is best to avoid rude and sarcastic statements as these would not get you anywhere.  It is best to take a formal and objective approach in the letter rather than play on the emotional quotient.

You can mention how you wish the problem to be rectified.  It may be in the form of a refund or a replacement or any other method which you think is most suitable.  At this point, it is also good give a time-frame within which you expect the problem to be solved.  Be reasonable while setting the time-frame.

If possible, you can include a couple of positive points of the other party, as this would help you to get a better response.  It is a good idea to include phrases like “Probably, this is a rare case where you have erred…” or “It is the first time in all the years that I have used your service/product that I have a problem…”  Such statements are likely to make a positive impact on the person reading your letter and you can expect a quick reply.

While writing a complaint letter it is important to mention the documents you are including to substantiate your complaint.  Just remember to include only copies of the original receipts or any other relevant documents.


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