
Alot of things have gone on surroundng our realtionship alot of things that we managed to get through but along the way we lost sight of eachother and what was really importent .

My heart is now broken and I see that what we had it was real . We went through things that only love would accept ! I love you with all of my heart and everything that I am . My love for you grows although we are away from one another .
I cry myself to sleep and pray that someday you will be able to see how much i loved you and how much you hurt me and not just me you left bruises on my soul .
You left a mark on my life that can not be washed away ! My love for you surpasses the love for myself and although it sounds wrong it is very true!
The most painful things of all is i must see you everyday and hide my love for you as if it never exist !
My dreams are filled with illusions of us together i wake up crying from it all because when i reach for you i wake up to reality and in reality you are not there.
My tears havent stop and still i try to keep them within me so that i dont think about us anymore my heart yearns for your return !
And although it seems impossible i will pray for you everyday and it will not come back void ! I love you and the word i love you dosent even begin to define how my heart feels for you ! You are forever written on my heart and the thought of you leaving crushes my soul and causes my heart to weep feeling my body with pain !
I know god can see my love for you and I know that he loves us both more then i love you myself ! He knows what is best for your life , and if i am that then he will grant my prayers and unite our hearts back as one!
I belive more then anything that god has power to do the impossible .
Untill that day that you come back to me i will pray in faith that you will open your eyes and see that i love you !
and how much i love you and that no matter what you do or say i will always love you .



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