My DeArEsT SoUl “Naresh Sharma”,
I’ve flame for you.No matter what you do, yhis flame will forever burn red & not for you.I want to warp you in my arms &make passionate love to you.This heart is on fire & you’re my greatest desire. That’s what I miss you & want you too.Bring out my heart from my body after my death I tell you this today to do because I’ve fear that if my heartbeat & heart will die with me then where you will line in me? then my spirit can’t live peacefully. Hope you must make out my feelings for you & also assure to do this for me.Please Naresh come back to me & see how much still I love you & miss you & what is happening with me without you my soul.I hope this passionate love letters rubbing your’s entire body to make you feel guilty because you hurt me too.
Always one & only 4 “U”,
Pritilagna Das.
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