I remmember how we met each other last year until now

dear marcus,
well i just i wanted to say about how we met last year. when you came to school here at kayenta mvhs yeah . well anyways , well you have say me out , and i did that for you . yeah , but it take a moment to say that i love you so much from my heart and body and soul yeah .and i just wanted you to know , how much love you and cared about you so long up to now . i am sorry if that took me so long to say to you . yeah . but , i can’t leave without you next to me . yeah . i hope you are read this letter to your self okay . still i love you and i always and will be take of you until i fall down and dead from but right now its not time yet , for me to break down and fall just yet . not right now .
i will always and forever still love you and care for you. yeah . i hope you feel the same ways toward me okay .


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