Dear. Future Husband Of Minez
Having your love has been the best thing thats ever happened to me.
I’m thankful to have you in my life. You are perfect, everything about you, everything you do seems so flawless. I feel so loved, I feel all i’ve longed to feel. I’ve told you many times already and I will continue to always let you know.
Just experiencing life with you is a gift I could hardly contain. You bring out the goodness in me. You’ve been wonderful to me, to my family. You make me really happy babe. And even though were apart so much of the time, it’s made up each time I see u again!
That feeling that I get is overwhelming every time that I do get to see you for the first time in such a long awaited visit. As the days go by my feelings for you are continously growing deeper and much more stronger.
Damn just thinking about seeing you again i’m getting butterflies:P Timez a ticking and i’m anxious to see you…
Babe, you’ve said all you want to do is make me happy..well, you have already achieved that. By you being you, showing me your love and by being so open with your feelings. You truly are my dream come true.You are more than i’ve ever imagined a man to be and den sum…I love that you are so full of life, so full of love, someone with integrity, truth, affection, wisdom, and all that other good stuff.
The strength that I see in you, The very strength you show.A plus being a romantic. We both share and respect eachothers values and beliefs and most of all the path that were on. Babe, your great, your awesome, and your so damn gorgeous and fine with a great personality to top it off. Truly I never thought i’d be so lucky in finding someone as wonderful as you are.
I’ve enjoyed our many conversations we’ve had thus far. You’ve been nothing but great. You’ve helped me come outta my shell and i’ve noticed the many changes. I feel comfortable to open up and share with you my feelings, my joys, my pains, my HEART!
I love writting letters to you because for me itz my way of truly expressing my love, my devotion I have from deep inside. I only want to speak words of truth that come from my heart..
It’s like i’ve known you for a lifetime and I honestly can’t imagine life without you.
YOU…THIS…here is where I am meant to be! you are what my entire life has led up to.
You are my very best bestest friend, my lover, my protector, my teacher and my absolute soulmate!!
I’ve never before felt so connected to a person as I feel being with you.
Which brings me to say: it’s true that you meet up with a few wrong people before you meet the right one, juss so you’d be able to appreciate and understand their *worth*. So very true.
I’m thankful for meeting you, for this love that we share. You came into my life in such a time of need… I was so low doubting life and angry at the world. All i’ve been through,in past relationships…..??and now the mistakes i’ve made, the hurt and disappointment i’ve caused…I felt ashamed, I wasn’t sure even if I was worhty of a second chance with my family…even my life, and I know thats quite harsh to say, but thats how I felt?!?!
Believe me, i’ve had many awful thoughts looking for an easier way to escape my own misery, the reality as it was, I really thought I lost all hope and faith …the light no longer shined…and I could barely see.
Babe, I was in a horrible, terrible mess until you came along. Exactly why i’m so very greatful to have met that time.
How we met, where we met, the first phone call, the first letter, everything you said, like everything was put into place and it all made sense. Instantly you’ve restored what I thought I lost and would never find again. You became my light and baby you were so very bright! My new found hope, my inspiration to keep on and keep going.
I’ve been through more than a few unhealthy damaging relationships…and how with each time I felt as though i’ve lost yet another piece of me. I’ve taken every stone, every rock, every stick, every log thrown at me, the verbal, physical, even emotional garbage that came with them…I would take and keep all within, hurting only myself for that burden I decided to carry and drag along. I’ve never known a way to let it go.
You’ve been there for me since day one never once judging me or the past i’ve lived nor the mistakes i’ve made. You’ve been more than understanding and so very patient.
In all that you are, in all that you’ve helped me see an the beauty of it all, of all you’ve said and continue to tell me, I’M GREATFUL, I’M THANKFUL!
You’ve proved to me what true love is, how it feels and should always be felt. Your right babe, Love does not hurt and it should never have to.
I ask that you continue your patience. I know it’s impossible for us to be with eachother right now but please continue your patience.
I’m slowly realizing the things i’ve hung onto and have been carrying around is not healthy and that I should learn from them an let em’ all go…
I have found the courage to do just that and be freed. These are lessons meant only for me to learn from, to prepare me, make me stronger and keep me striving to be all that I know I can be. Cause baby we both deserve a love such as this, this happiness, this togetherness. The many beautiful feelings we’ve come to know.
I have so much love to give to you, so much more to share. I want to live the rest of my life with you and watch you grow old by my side. I never want to be without you for even one day….
You remember that time back in Ste. Rose we were sitting there and you handed me one of your ear phones, One on my ear and the other in yours…we sat there listening to that song “BABY YOU’RE MY GOOD THING” over and over again, smiling as we gazed at eachother?
You tell me time and time again that i’m your good thing…
Well you know what babe?
Yes I am and you know what?
And i’m never gonna let you go.
Yours now and forever,
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