Buisness to Buisness Introduction Letter

Deep Chaudhary,

AT & T Limited.

28 May 1998

Mr. Rashid Seth,


Seth Group of companies,

Pearl City,Kolkata.

Dear Mr.Seth,

I warmly congratulate you on your effective speech concerning the need to conserve power in the conference we had yesterday. I was impressed by your attitude towards being eco-friendly.
In this concern I write to you about my company AT & T Limited. We manufacture solar cookers and we have been in business for a period of one year. I need not mention to you the benefits of using a solar cooker today. Hence all I want to emphasize on is the kind of business offer I am willing to extend to your company.
I propose to call you by this weekend to discuss further about the offer. We will be delighted to get into a deal with you.

Thanks and Regards,

Deep Chaudhary,
Senior Sales Head.


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