General Nomination Letter

Brian Smith,


Smith and Sons Inc,

New York-11701

June 9, 2011

Paul Rodriguez,

General Manager,

Smith and Sons Inc,

Dear Mr. Paul,

It is immense pleasure to inform you that you have been nominated as the best employee of the company. Your hard work, dedication and passion towards your job have compelled us to recognize you in our company. So we have nominated you as the best employee of this year in this company.
You can collect your honor on the day annual function of the company. We hope that you will continue this spirit in future as well and keep winning such awards. The Best Employee Award will also subject to the prize money of $10000.
I hope that you will content with such recognition by us. I would like to congratulate you on behalf of entire staff of this company. Wish you all the best for your future.

Thanking You,


Brian Smith


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