General Confirmation Letter

David Wilson,

Head of Recruitment Dept,

Lee and Sons Inc,


June 9, 2011

Richard Brown,

0008, Alexander City,


Dear Mr. Richard,

Sub- Confirmation of appointment as Senior Supervisor

Ref- Interview dated 05/1/2011

With reference to the interview that we had with you for the post of Senior Supervisor in our factory at Alexander City we would like to confirm your appointment as senior supervisor in our factory.
You can join your duty from June 20, 2011 in the company’s factory. We have already told you about the terms and conditions of the job during the interview and you agreed with all terms and conditions.
We hope that you will join your duty on the mentioned date. You can carry this letter on the first day of duty to confirm the officials of the factory about your appointment.

If there is any issue do contact us.

Thanking You,

David Wilson


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