Mr. Farhad Mahankali
New Extension Madiwala
October 1, 2010
Mr. Farhat Mahankali
Swaroop Nagar,
Kanpur – 208001
Dearest son,
I must bid you farewell through this letter since I cannot see you off on your trip. I am so proud of you for having been accepted for a job abroad. It is hard to find a good job and being able to do so for a well-known international company is such a blessing. Only a few years after graduation, you are very fortunate to have a job right away. It is your intelligence and skill that has made you a very suitable candidate for that job you applied for. I know how hard you have studied and worked and this is your reward for all the hard work you have put in. You deserve this job and I congratulate you.
I will miss you as you leave the country but it is time for me to let you have your own life. I hope your career will flourish and your personal life too.
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