Sample Letter Requesting Employment Verification

When evaluating a loan application, previous employment and income must be verified. This process can be simplified by using a standard employment verification letter. The following sample demonstrates a request for verification in consideration of an application for a mortgage.

[Employer’s Name and Address]

Dear [Name]:

Re: Applicant: [Your name]

I have applied for a real estate loan from [Name of Mortgage Company]. I would appreciate it if you would complete the employer’s verification form below and forward it to the following address:

[Mortgage Company’s Name]
[Mortgage Company’s mailing address]

Thank you for your prompt reply, as it will help avoid any delays.

Very truly yours,

Your Name


1. Date of first employment:
2. Present position:
3. Present monthly salary:
Gross monthly salary:
Bonus or commission:
Method of payment:
4. If applicant is in the military, then please report monthly income as follows.
Base pay:
Quarters and subsistence:
Flight or hazard allowance:
5. Probability of continued employment:
6. Does employee have re-employment rights for: Sick Leave? [ ] Maternity leave? [ ]
7. Other Remarks:

The above information will be used only for the mortgage company’s strictly confidential use in evaluating my application.



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