Manager HRD
…………………………… (Name of Company)
…………………………… (Postal Address)
PIN: ………………..
Phone/Mobile ……………….
Mr. /Ms …………………. (Name in Full)
………………………….. (Postal Address)
…………………………… (City/Town)
PIN: ………………….
Phone/Mobile: ……………..
Dear Mr. /Ms ……………….
Sub: Offer of Employment: Manager Marketing.
Ref: Your application dated ……………
1.Based on your qualifications and performance in the Interview held on ……….
we are pleased to offer you the position of Manager Marketing in our Company based at …………. (City/Town).
2.You will be placed in the pay scale of Rs ………. (Basic) pm plus allowances as applicable.
3.You will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date of joining during which your services are liable to be terminated with 1 month’s notice or 1 month’s pay in lieu thereof.
4.You will be required to join duty not later than …………. (Date) failing which this offer of employment stands cancelled.
*If the above offer of employment is acceptable to you, please sign on the duplicate copy of the offer in token of acceptance of the terms and conditions of employment and return it to the under-signed within 7 days of receipt of this letter.
With regards.
Yours sincerely,
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