Sample Cover Letter For Employment


Manager HRD & Admin


Phone: ……………


Mr. /Ms ………………….


Dear Mr. /Ms ……………….

Sub: Offer of Employment- Manager Marketing.

Ref: Your application dated ……………

1.Please find enclosed formal Appointment Letter No. …/Mktg/Appt/1/2010          dated ……… offering you the position of Manager Marketing in our Company as per the detailed terms and conditions of employment mentioned there-in.
2.You are required to join duty not later than ……….. (Date).
3.If you are willing to take up the appointment as per the stated terms and conditions of service, please sign the 2nd Copy of the enclosed Letter of Appointment in acceptance of the same and return it to the under-signed within 7 days of receipt of this letter, failing which it will be assumed that you are not interested in the offer and our Letter of Appointment will stand cancelled thereafter.

With regards.

Yours sincerely,


.Download Sample Cover Letter For Employment In Word Format

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