Employment Verification Letter


Manager HRD & Admin

…………………… (Name of Company)

…………………… (Postal Address)

Phone: ……………


Mr. /Ms ………………….

…………………… (Designation)

…………………… (Name of Company)

…………………… (Postal Address)

Phone: ……………

Dear Mr. /Ms ……………….

Sub: Offer of Employment to Mr. /Ms …………..

Ref: Your Reference Letter dated ……………

We wish to state that Mr. /Ms ……………… a former employee of your Company has applied for the position of Manager Marketing in our firm. He/She has given us Reference of 2 years satisfactory service in your Company during the period from …….. to ……….. (Dates) and has stated that his salary with you was Rs …………. (Basic) plus allowances at the time of leaving your Company.
May I request you to kindly vouchsafe the veracity of the above facts in writing or by phone to the under-signed as a gesture of mutual co-operation with a sister concern and oblige.

Thanking you.

With kind regards.
Yours sincerely,


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