Mr. Collins Wincey
Califlower Medical Suppliers, Inc
There, Town, MA 235644
Dear Mr. Wincey.
My medical supplies experience coupled with my outgoing personality and versatility qualifies me to be a strong contender for a position as a Medical Supplies Representative for Califlower Medical Supplies, Inc.
I recently graduated from Michigan University with a degree in Medical Supplies Management. At college, I was vice chair of both American Medical Suppliers Association and Supplies for Africa, an initiative that voluntarily collected drugs from well wishers for distribution in Africa.
I am a natural go getter, having worked odd jobs such as bartending and newspaper vending to see myself through school. These challenges served to give me a positive outlook, maturity, skills, and abilities essential to embark on a career in medical supplies.
I will be visiting California beginning next month and would like to set up an interview concerning the position. I will place a phone call in advance of my visit to see if I can arrange a meeting with you at your convenience.
Thank you.
Daniel Steelman
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