Susan Banks
House No: 12B
Main Street
New Jerse
Mr. Steven Gray
ABC Company
New York
2nd February, 2007.
Dear Mr. Gray,
This has reference to your advertisement dated 1st February in “Jobs Today” for an Administrative Officer. I would like to take the opportunity to apply for the same.I am a Post Graduate in Business Administration from the International School of Business. I have been working in the capacity of an Assistant Administrative Officer for XYZ Company.Currently I am looking for a more challenging and stimulating work atmosphere to prove my mettle. I am sure, my qualifications, experience and administrative abilities would meet your requirements. My enthusiasm, sincerity and dedication which are my strong points would prove to be an added advantage to the job.I am enclosing my Curriculum Vitae for your perusal and look forward to further talks with you.
Thanking you,
Susan Banks
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