Scholarship Congratulation Letter

17th July, 2010

Abhiram Singh Sharma

14/234 Vaishnav Mandali

Pakhangba Road

Imphal  13


Dear Abhiram,

We are delighted to tell you that you have been selected for the Undergraduate Scholarship Program at the Auckland University. This scholarship program will exempt you from all tuition fees, hostel fees and library charges at our university for the first year of your 3 year undergraduate course in Botanical Sciences. Additionally you will also be awarded a monthly stipend of NZD 200.

Your scholarship may be renewed to your next year depending upon your academic performance in the first year and so on.  A brochure giving the details of your scholarship program, our university and other information are enclosed within. You are requested to go through them thoroughly.

Best wishes,

Gabrielle McDonald

Tutorial Department, University of Auckland


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