With All My Heart

Dear Matthew,

I love you with all my heart, not just because today is our anniversary. No matter how tough this relationship gets or how hard it may seem to move forward, I will never stop loving you. You are my world and soul, the air that I breathe each day.

Sometimes I get angry with myself because I bring the relationship down more than I help it. Opening up to you is difficult but this is something I have to do. You are my best friend and no matter how difficult it may seem or how tough it may be to go on, I know I will, because I will have the best person in the whole world right by my side every step of the way.

You are my soul, my world, my everything. My heart skips a beat every time your name is mentioned or I see your face. You are the one I have been waiting for all of my life (not that I’m old!), and I finally stumbled across you. Now I must fight to keep you. I pray every night that you will some day be the one I wake up to in the morning. Without you I wouldn’t be complete. So, please … I am asking you to spend the rest of your life with me; all I can give you is love. I love you!

With all my heart,


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