I Am Patient

Dear B,

Our road to friendship has been a little less then traditional but for some reason it worked for us. I know you will always be there for me and that’s one of the reasons I think I may be falling in love with you.

I know you do not have time for a relationship right now and that you may even be scared to commit to me, but I am patient. I will be by your side regardless of my status with you. I have never felt so connected to a person in my life; I love talking to you or just being in your presence.

I also realize that it is hard to tell somebody you care about that you do not love them as they love you. Please don’t ever be afraid to be honest with me, because I will always be your friend.

Mainly I wanted you to know I will wait for you. I don’t need fancy gifts or 100% of your time, all I need is to know you care, and you do that already. I love youR hugs and comforting words and I want to say thank you for everything. I have loved you as my friend for some time and I would cherish the chance to love you even more.

Love Always…


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