She always looked out for others

Joseph Hall

1902, X Street, Madison Avenue,

Los Angeles, CA-90001

(123) 456-7890



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Dear Joseph Hall

Sarah Duke, born November 1, 1945, in York, New England, died Friday, February 2. She was the only daughter of Malcolm and Emily Samson of York. Throughout her life Sarah was a key member of the York community, having lived there all of her life. There were three things that Sarah lived for, her husband, her two sons and her community. Sarah served as a member of the PTA for many years and was also an active volunteer and the local neighborhood center. She always looked out for others although her recent illness meant that she was unable to help out as much as she wanted. Sarah was the best wife a husband could have, the best mother any children could wish for, and the best friend anyone could want.
Sarah is survived by her husband, James duke of York; sons John Duke of Lancaster, New England, and Robert Duke, of York.; and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samson.
A service is to be held at the Church of the Virgin Mary in York on Friday, February 9. Any contributions should be made to the York Community Center.


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