Proposal for consumer focus group

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123


<Recipient Address Goes Here>


At Abc Company, we realize that customer feedback is becoming more and more critical to doing business efficiently. After all, if we don’t know what our customers want, we can’t serve them, can we? That’s why I’m writing to ask you if you would be interested in helping organize a focus group for some local customers.

What I’m proposing is this: <description of focus group>. All you would need to do is make a few calls and find some interested customers. <work you need from the other party>.

I think such a focus group will really give both our businesses a clear idea of how to best serve our customers and become more profitable. I will give you a call <time you will call> to talk over the matter further and see if we can get this together. Thanks for your attention


Robert Anderson


Download proposal for consumer focus group In Word Format

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