Guest Appreciation Letter

Ms. Gandha Gorti


Saharanpur School

Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 247001

March 16, 2011

Mr. Lakhan Bhanghoo

Paper Mills Road,
Uttar Pradesh, 247001

Dear Mr. Bhanhoo,

In behalf of the Saharanpur School, I would like to extend our most heartfelt appreciation to you for being one of our guests during the school’s 2011 Commencement Exercises and Awarding Ceremonies.  Your attendance to the said event made it more meaningful and memorable for us and the graduates.

Thank you for sharing us part of your valuable time.  The insights you shared to the graduates and everyone present during the activity was touching and inspiring.  It reminded us all to give our best in everything we do even if we feel that we may not be repaid or recognized for our effort.  In the end, it is genuine service in our profession that each one must remember.

Thank you again and we hope that you will oblige us in other occasions.


Ms. Gandha Gorti


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