Mr. Adarsh Gupta
104, Major Residency
Rd No.10, Banjara Hills
Phone: 64602432
20th January, 2010
The Regional Transport Officer
Hyderabad West Zone
Reti Bowli
Dear Sir,
Sub: Payment of Life Tax for 4-wheeler.
Ref: Invoice No.2042 dt 18th Jan’ 10 of Varun Motors.
Please find enclosed Application (Form No. 1A) along with Challan No. 12432 dated 19 th Jan’10 for Rs 14,000/- towards payment of Life Tax for my Vehicle Regd No.AP 13 N 6437 Maruti Estilo LX I.
You are requested to endorse the payment of Life Tax in the RC Book of the above mentioned vehicle at an early date.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
……………………. (Signature of Owner of Veh)
Adarsh Gupta
Application in Form 1A
Challan No.12432 dt 19-1-2010
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