To The Best Boyfriend

Dear Chris,

Chris, you have been the best boyfriend in the world. Any girl would die to be in my shoes. You have shown me so much even if you know little. I know you grew up rough and you say when I came to your life I changed you, but no one can change anyone – you’re the only one with that power.

Thank you for all the material things from Winnie the Pooh dolls to Louis Vuitton. You shower me with gifts and get me anything in the world, but even though you have money it didn’t buy my love. Love should come naturally, which it did. You’ve bought me everything I have ever wanted and more the only thing left is an Escalade xlt on spree wells but hey I guess that can wait, huh? (Just joking!)

Well, I love you and no matter what your decision is, in the end please keep in your thoughts that I love you so much. All I ask for is your love in return when I need it. Material things are nice but love is best. Spend time with the family we have. You always told me that I was the finest girl you have ever seen and I was a notch so get off of work early and let’s kick back together for once. I love you.



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