When you work closely with individuals over a period of time, you may occasionally be exposed to personal issues that are not always joyous. A coworker may experience a death in the family or some other type of tragedy that requires a letter of condolence. Although a verbal comment is appreciated, a written letter will demonstrate that you understand the gravity of the matter and that it is important to you to convey your feelings in the matter.
Dear _____________________,
We at [insert Company’s name] would like to express our deepest condolences to you and your family. Please let us know if we can assist you with any special needs during this time of trial.
It is our mission to ensure that our employees are treated like family, and we want to support you in any way possible. As you know, we have established a fund within our company to assist employees at such times, and we would like to send flowers or a donation, as you deem appropriate. Please let us know how to proceed and how we can best help you.
Very truly yours,
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