All You

Dear Mike,

There are just some things that words cannot describe. The feeling I have when I talk to you, when I think about you, and when I dream about you, is amazing. I’ve never felt that before in my life. I think that you’re a wonderful person and without you there for me when I needed you, I don’t know where I would be right now. My love for you has grown so much over the past couple of months. I think back to when we first met, I would have never imagined that we would be where we are today. It’s just going to keep getting better. I don’t think that our love will ever fade or wither. I’ll always be there for you and when you need someone to talk to I hope you come to me. I’ll be your best friend. So once again I say, “All You.” My life is perfect with you in it. So, I thank you.

Love Always,


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