Dear Craig,
I remember the first day I saw you; the way you looked at me and the way my eyes shined. My eyes showed what my heart was feeling, but I was going through something, so I was in the process of healing. I remember the first time that we kissed. I want you to know, that at that moment, I knew I would always care, I knew I wanted you to always be there. I remember when you broke my heart. I remember when I cried and said, “I understand”. When I was hurt you were still by my side where you said you would always stand. I remember feeling like I love you and I remember you feeling the same. The love shared between me and you will never change – only time and age. I know that we have a love that counts – a love that will experience many things from being tested and even questionable at times, but in the end there’s no doubt, I know we have a love that counts.
Love always,
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