David Brown,
869, Alexander City,
June 07, 2011
Edward financial Consultancy Services Inc,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub- Inquiry about the charges of your company
I have heard about your financial consultancy services that it is very effective business concerns to sort out their financial problems by consulting you. However, I am uncertain about the charges of your company for the various kinds of financial services.
I would also like to inquire about the kind of financial services that you provide to your clients and their charges. We are a small business concern which is engaged in supplying raw material to rubber companies. I would like to inquire that what kind of services you can provide us so that we can easily get out of various financial problems.
I would like to know what documents we should provide you for the better engagement with you for such services and in what time frame you can solve our various finance related problems.
I would appreciate your prompt reply to my inquiry.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
David Brown
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