
My dearest Jake,

When we broke up I would face the world each day with a fake smile to shield away all my pain and misery. With every step I took, I died a little more inside because I knew that was a step further away from you. Days would pass since I’d looked into your warm eyes and I’d start to get scared that the face I once saw was fading away from my memories.

I don’t have a good answer for all the things I ‘v done, but I’m sorry. I know that sorry will never be good enough for all the pain and despair I’ve caused you, and it will never be. I can never forgive myself for what I’ve done, nor do I expect you to. I just want you to know that you’ve touched my life and changed me for the better.

Ever since I’ve come to know you, I have felt this indescribable feeling only I share with you. It seems like ever time I close my eyes, every time I breathe, I think of you. I never knew how dead I was until I met you. You’ve opened my eyes to what this world holds. Until then I never realized how blue the sky really is.

I now understand why people search their whole lives for the one and only person that can make them complete. It’s because the love they share is the closest thing we have to magic.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’ve saved my life in more ways I’ll ever know. You’ve taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I’ll always miss you, but I know that what we had will never be forgotten but remember forever and ever.

With everlasting love,


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