Fax Appeal Letter

Mr. Adesh Menon

Nariman Point


Dr. Gandhara Mehra


Science Scholarship Fund



Fax No#: 453678909

Dear Dr. Mehra,

I am sending this letter to appeal to you to reconsider my application to your scholarship.  I sent to you my application letter, recommendations from two of my teachers, and the other requirements on time.  However, I received your letter informing me that I have not been accepted because my application did not meet the deadline.  I believe there must have been a problem with the delivery of my requirements since I sent them through mail at least two weeks before the deadline.  I have already talked to the management of the postal office and they apologized for the delay in delivery.  They will be most willing to attest to this should you need any proof of the said incident.  I do hope that my application be reconsidered based on my merits.  Please give me this opportunity to continue higher education and seek for a better future.  Thank you.


Adesh Menon


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