Termination Of Employment Letter


Manager HRD & Admin

…………………… (Name of Company)

Letter No.    /Mktg/Termination/1/2010


Mr. /Ms …………………..

……………………. (Designation)

…………………….. (Dept)

Dear Mr. /Ms …………………

Sub: Termination of Services.

Ref:  Our Letter No…../Performance/…..dated ………..

Please refer to our letter cited above wherein you were counseled by your HOD to improve your performance with regard to achieving sales targets mutually agreed upon.
It is pointed out that no improvement in your sales figures has taken place during the subsequent quarter despite daily counseling and guidance of your Team Leader.
Hence, we regret to inform you that your services are no longer required with effect from ……….. (Date). Please handover all accountable documents held in your charge to your Team Leader by ………… (Date)
We wish you the very best of success in your future endeavours.

Yours sincerely,
Place: …………… Dated ……………


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